mardi 22 novembre 2011

Small update

No update in a while,
Work has been quite busy and Ive done a lot less sport.
For now I will focus more on Gymnastic basic strength training. I'm almost at my goal for this year's end for all the statics.
The goal is being able to do 60s in all the groups for the easiest variation of the static move. Actually not for all the moves, some I aim at harder variations.
I can do it, but it's not a regular performance.. so I will concentrate on being able to do that every single time
For the FBE (fundamental body exercises) I am continuing my way normally, actually the progress is quite good
I have to concentrate on keeping good form and doing things with the right pace for maximum improvement : slow excentric, fast concentric is usually what I go for.

dimanche 16 octobre 2011

Insanity gear 2 2.0

Started gain month 2 of Insanity this morning.
Still the same weaknesses. So I decided when there is an arm or something involved I will do the basic pushup instead... maybe it will help me more like that in the long run. You can only build on sturdy foundations and mine regarding arm strength and power are not surdy at all.

jeudi 13 octobre 2011

GYM 2.0

Headstand pushups failed. after the 6th one... to much built up soreness from the change in level, I guess.
L-Pull-ups done, fairly hard have to work towards a more controlled way of doing it (helped a little with dynamic and elasticity to go full ROM).
Muscle ups training (I left it over in the explaination but I remembered it after.) Well Bad...
Tonight is the Hard statics again. I feel pretty fresh but gosh it's going to be painfull again...

mercredi 12 octobre 2011

GYM 2.0 follow up

Didn''t do any HIIT training since monday. Planned to do one wednesday, but got hit in the foot so waiting for full recovery before doing anything violent involving feet moves.
I will resume Insanity second gear on monday so need to be sure I'm ready for that.
This painfull foot didn't'' however hinder my gym basic strength training (Maily upper body and core training at the moment).
Non static I did since last time : Pseudo planche ring push ups and Bulgarian ring rows.
Both are as expected a level higher and I'm far from the full ROM of those moves.
For pseudo-planche push ups (PPP) I go down all the way, but I can tell that my hands are not as close as the hips as it should be.
For the Bulgarian Rows I got a problem both  for the height of the move and the wideness between my hands.
As a reminder Bulgarian rows are sort of an inverted wide arm push ups except that wide arm push up sort of make the ROM a little smaller when you train on the floor (ROM is still pretty good with rings though).

I also did the second day of static training:
1) warm up didn't do any jumping moves to avoid straining my foot any more, and concentrated on arms... I think that's actually a better preparation. Also did quite a lot of leg stretching.
2) I worked on the Straddle instead of the L-sit (I will alternate cause the moves even though different for the arms have a good synergy regarding abs and legs.. I can tell because of the burn in the thighs).
So 3 * 20 seconds too, and quite the same, first one was ok second hard, third I was really fighting to keep my legs from touching the ground.
3) Bar Handstand 60seconds. Felt a lot easier but have to notice that because I was playing with balance as well I fell 2 times and even though I got back up as quick as possible, it certainly reduced the strain on the shoulders. Another note, I'm not sure my shoulder are completly opened... maybe a little lack of flexibility
4) Tucked Back Lever 3 * 20 seconds. That was the first surprise of the training. And this was a bad surprise. It was insanly hard compared to the first time I did it.
Possible reasons :
- because I found it not so hard the first time, I was not mentally giving it my all.
- because I found it not so hard the first time, I tried to concentrate on a better form, making it harder.
- Maybe the first time was only an illusion and I'm actually weak.
I hope the second reason is the real one... at least it means I'm going towards progress.
5) Tucked Front Lever 3*20 seconds. That was the second surprise of the training.
This one was kind of good. I didn't find it quite as hard as the first time...
Possible reasons :
- I was afraid of the move and did not do it as well... I don't think because I checked my position while doing it, but still possible.
- I was aware of the part of my body that were taxed more and concentrate better on those.
What is sure is I do was more carefull with my shoulders and tried to lock the position as much as possible.
And second part the grip is still a very hard part of the move and the one for which I lack the most for now.
6) the reverse pseudo planche 3 * 20 seconds. This one is ok, didn't fight but felt the burn. It works mainly one triceps and core I would say for me.

7) Abs... as planned I jumped from 2 minutes to 3 minutes. I do 4 different exercises 45 seconds per exercise with 5 seconds break. I alternate static/slowmo with dynamic exercise (otherwise I think I wouldn't be able to do it) and I can tell that my abs burn for every single exercises... It burns way more than all the other insane abs or ab ripper ... I guess that the exercises will have to evolve over time, but I like this formula.

Momentary conclusion : I really like this cycle 2.0, because total training per exercise is much shorter I can pack more different things into one session. For now I can't do L-sit /Straddle and Pseudo-planche/reverse pseudo planche in the same session. But it's more a question of lack of strength than lack of time. As the cycle will continue I will be able to do more in one session and reduce the break between exercises (the inter exercises breaks are maybe a little long.. I don't count, I just wait till my arms feel ready to go on).
I plan to continue this cycle longer than 8 weeks. Mainly because the jump in difficulty is quite big and also because I want to be able to do all the exercises in one session without taking loooong breaks in between.
If everything goes right at the end of this cycle I will also  "play" with planche and mana training. (I started those but I think my overall condition is not good enough).
Hopefully the next cycle will be 60 seconds reps for all exercises (another very big jump) plus a real start at practicing the planche and mana skill variations.... can't wait to be there, but I won't rush anything! the stronger the basics the better the potential progression.

Another comment... As next week I'll start over the second gear of Insanity, I think I will hit a wall in terms of fatigue... will certainly need to have more food and certainly some vitamins.

lundi 10 octobre 2011

Insanitised and Gym 2.0

Didn't update in... 2weeks
a lot can happen in that time. I finished the insanity program I actually skipped 4 training in total 2 of them were "''recovery trainings" and I was bored. the 2 last ones ... I just didnt hve time to complete.
So now moving on.... I had one week off (almost no exercise) and this week is a slow week : Starting again slowly for HIIT. I did plyo cardio yesterday morning, nothing this morning (I''ll explain why in a shortwhile)
Nest week I'm starting over again the last 4 weeks of Insanity (might skip again the recovery and/or replace them by a stretching type of recovery).
I''m doing it at the same time as a friend who started Insanity a little bit after me. We think it might help us keep the motivation.
What else is new? Starting a new cycle for gymnastic basic strength training.
That makes it cycle 2.0 (remember I did half a cycle when I didn''t have bars so after that did cycle 1.5 from start).
What's new in this cycle... Well no new moves for static strength training, just change of time training.
- Tucked Back-Lever change 10 * 6 seconds ==> 3 * 20 seconds
- Tucked Front-Lever change 10 * 6 seconds ==> 3 * 20 seconds
- L-sits change well I did 10 * 6 seconds in cycle 1.0 but didn''t really train during cycle 1.5 because of the lack of time but now is 3 * 20 seconds
- Pseudo planche same as L-sits now 3 * 20 seconds.
- Wall HS only started at half the cycle 1.5 now doing 60 seconds
- Straddle and reverse pseudo planche should be the same 3 * 20 seconds
- Bended Middle Split Hold ( for mana) and tucked planche (for planche) are only in the "Try" part of the training for now.
The total time for one exercise is the same.... but the time for one rep is a LOT higher.. first I planned on going up to 12 seconds.. but the last max time try I did on Back and front levers where around 40 seconds (front being a little less than back) and I did 3* 20 seconds for L-sit and straddle once before my off week.

Now what is it worth for real? I tried yesterday evening and that's the reason I decided not to do any HIIT this morning.
1) warm up 2 minutes jumps for cardio then 2 minutes shoulder warm up
2) L-Sits 3 * 20 seconds. 1st was okay, 2nd was difficult, 3rd I started dropping the legs before the end but was able to manage not getting on the floor
3) Wall HS (well bar actually, but same idea) the last half was hard and the last 10 seconds were really really hard.
4) TBLever It''s been a long time since I didn't' feel my biceps and chest muscle fighting with back lever training. The first rep is alright, but it gets hard from the second rep.
5) TFLever. This one is really hard and I had to fully tuck (I was almost in flat back tucked front lever at the end of cycle 1.5) I  hope it will get better over the 8 weeks of this cycle. The grapping the bar part was also incredibly hard this time, I think my foreamrs will have to improve a lot.
6) Pseudo planche... It's hard but not as hard as the front lever.
7) My 2 minutes abs plan. Burned as usual, but was better at doing it... should upgrade to 3 minutes.

Didn't' do the rest because my arms were already completly burned even though the total training session time was less, I actually did more than cycle 1.5 (I concentrated on levers and HS mainly, so I guess L-sit and pseudo planche is a bonus). I will try to do the rest of the exercises as my body adapts to this.

What about none static exercises?
- Pushups have to be upgraded from Rings bulgarian pushups to Rings pseudo planche pushups
- Rows from eleveted feet ring rows to bulgarian ring rows.
- HandStand pushups : Wall Headstand pushups, still need to train those will try to increase ROM over the cycle by adding books under the hands, for now have to make sure I can complete 3 * 3, I still have to do individual HesPushups to do the total of 9.
- Pull ups : from L-Chin ups to L-Pull ups
- Dips from normal dips to Russian dips.
- Inverted pulls... still need to work a lot on those as its a very hard one to get good ROM ( should try tucked or picked.

jeudi 22 septembre 2011

Insanity D54

Finally didn't do Max Recovery,
I wanted to do the gym work first and got so caught in it I did a lot more than usual and burned myself a little too much for Max Recovery... And yes this is an excuse I just didn't really feel like doing it and that's all (even if it's true I was really tired after gym)

D54 Max Interval Circuit, is still demanding, especially at the end and with arm exercises. I don't feel super tired after though.

mercredi 21 septembre 2011

Insanity catch up.

This week was kind of weird regarding training.
first D50 on monday : I didn't do the insanity in the morning, but I did it after work and it was quite good.
I even did the usual gym training.
Then tuesday morning I was able to do D51 without problem (not even 12 hours after the previous training)
during the evening the basic strength training went well, I even added some core training that wasn't planned.
Yesterday was D53 with Max Cardio Conditionning in the morning and Insane abs in the evening.
I tried hard to do the Insane abs as in the video. The moves are not hard, but doing everything in a row makes the abs burn. the planck part was still not completed perfectly (I still lack arm strength I guess, and not enough willpower too). after that my planning (changed this week) was to try Max time was the levers, then train L-sits, straddle sits, pseudo planche and pseudo reverse planche.
Results are quite surprising :
-Back lever I was able to stay about 30 seconds and I think I could have pushed a little more.
-Front lever I was able to stay about 20 seconds and I don't think I could have pushed.
I wasn't able to do any L-sits and didn't even try the Straddle sits, my arms were not burned and could have handle it I think, but my abs were totally burned (Insane abs before I tried to keep abs contracted at all/most time like he said).
Pseudo planche/reverse planche were absolutly no problem, I didn't even feel much of a burn. Next cycle I will go for the elevated feet version. Maybe I just didn't do them right... I wonder...

dimanche 18 septembre 2011

Insanity D47.5,D48-D50

It should be a long update but I'll keep it short
-D47 second half Insane abs, it's quite long but the exercises are more or less all the same kind: in a position where your abs are already contracted, do small moves... it burns of course but I'm not a big fan of this kind of exercises when it's only that. I have to consider if I want to continue the insane abs or change it for something else like P90x ab ripper (which is in my opinion more complete) Or even my own version.
-D48 I did for the first time Max interval sport training. Only thing I have to say : I had fun, the exercises are not that hard but it's a quite long training. I think I have to push myself for the jumps... Noticed that I wasn't able to jump to the maximum.
-D50 : today. well no comment to do, I didn't do it... yet. I woke up with a headache and I started the warm up as well as the stretching and then I stopped cause I was still not in a state of training.
I hope I''ll be good enough this evening, I'll do it then.

Other thing I think I'll cut my static training in different parts, cause I haven't been able to do the back levers + the L sits + straddle and I think that's not good. So on monday and friday I'll do the Handstand (approx 2 min total) and the front and back lever, If I feel fresh I'll also do the L-sit and straddle (or maybe should I go for a max time L-sit /straddle... yeah I'll think about it), and Wednesday I'll do the L-sit and straddle first and the rest if I feel fresh enough (or maybe just try a max rep).

jeudi 15 septembre 2011

Insanity D47 / half. Gymnastic bodies

Chronological order, so Gymnastic Basic strength training. A little update on the upper body pull and press for week 6 :
- Yesterday's press was headstand push up, with wall help (actually I use my bar cause the wall is behind my bar and other walls are not useable/ accessible). It's week 6 of this cycle (remember I named this cycle "cycle 1.5" cause I stopped my first cycle half way when I got my bars and I decided to start insanity) which means actually the 6th time doing it in this way since I do it once a week (3 press exercises a week / but each time a different one).
This press exercise is certainly the hardest of my current cycle (Ring push ups are ok, bulgarian variation is hard but I don't feel as much, and dips are ok at my level of variation :simple dips on p bars).
Because I have been able to inish the 3 reps set without breaking the sets, I've decided to try to focus more on control. So a (slightly?!) slower upward movement and a (slightly again?! I can't really tell) slower down negative movement. Result, the last of the reps was really hard, harder than last week, so I guess it works.
Does it count as breaking the steady state cycle, it's a modification of the move... whatever, I don't count it as a modification, I count it as executing the move correctly, the overload period is over and I'm supposed to be at the load period. I didn't change the ROM nor the leverage (which are the 2 things that define a variation normally) so let's say it's ok and it allows the end of a cycle to still be nice and interesting.

-About the upper body-pull, L-chin ups, same thing as for the press, I was able to do 3 sets of 4 to 5 reps, so I decided to focus on control and slowing down the move. Resuls, 3 sets of 3 reps with the last set being a little hard, and feeling my abs as well (which didn't occure when I was faster).

-And I also did the hang to back hang (going through front lever/ reverse hang/back lever....all tucked) this time I did less but I controled it more and I didn't bend the arms.

Now about the first half of Insanity this morning : Max Cardio Conditioning.
I have quite mixed feelings about what I did this morning...
The warm up was not hard but I didn't feel like giving a lot during the warm up. The knee lift (which I usually start without jump for the first round) was really easy.
Then I feel that at the en of the warm up I wasn't totally warmed up and didn't have enough oxygen flowing to my muscle (still felt somehow in an inactive state).
And once more I feel that the stretching is so light.... so didn't give much during the stretching part, resulting in a feeling of being stiff for the kicks exercises.
Then the first exercise I couldn't give my all, I felt the burn and didn't do the maximum ROM I should have done.
After that I somewhat realised that if I didn't do anything, this would be wasting today's training. I still didn't do great but little by little I went in and actually gave it, not my all, but a lot. I was even surprised for the in&out + push up jacks I was able to do full ROM and fast 4 times in a row before being worn out.
I still find the ski hops hook the most ridiculous movement of the entire insanity program.
I still finished the workout sweating like crazy, with my legs burning (oh yes I actually did do the last exercise, squat speed bag something.... not a full squat but still enough for the legs to burn and when it was to hard I actually went down little by little instead of going up).
So mixed feeling as you can see, I feel that I didn't give enough at the beginning, but I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made for some exercises (maybe I did better because I didn't give much at the beginning).

mercredi 14 septembre 2011

Insanity D46

Nothing to say about it, it's Max recovery, I revovered and no I didn't push myself and I'm not motivated to push myself for this, the stretches are not stretching me enough (especially for the arms and legs) and the other things burn but I don't like it... I still did the workout and went through almost everything (arms not completelly).

Didn't do the static gym training yesterday (had something else), that's the reason I tried the new thing on tuesday, and I'll do it tonight too (it's lever related exercise so I guess it will help too).

Tomorrow is Max cardio conditioning + Insane abs. I'll do as usual Max cardio conditioning in the morning and the insane abs as a "warm up" for gym training. I'm watching it right now, I think the back lever / front lever will feel like hell after this...Insane abs is 30 minutes something... The exercises still don't look as hard as the ab ripper X from p90X, but it's longer...

mardi 13 septembre 2011

Insanity D45

I want to say I'm pretty disappointed... by myself.
I was on a good progression curve (You can notice from the few last posts I was saying it's getting nice and good, and everything).
And this morning despite feeling fresh (had a good night sleep) and not having any muscle soreness (not that I could feel) I was a lot less able to endure the burn.
I guess I need to keep the motivation and keep pushing.
Was out of breath faster...legs were less powerful. The abs wer quite good (did the power push ups with straight legs as well as the wide leg in and out).

Gymnastic : I tried something new with the ring push ups /rows , I did a hang to front lever to reverse hang to back lever to back lever hold hang and reverse (tucked of course). It's a nice /hard thing to do. I was actually not doing it right every time (I had to bend the arm a few times).

[edit] I understand why it wasn't' that good this morning, I feel new muscle soreness since noon. I think it''s yesterday's training. I was feeling so good that I pushed more and it had this result on today''s training.
[end edit]

lundi 12 septembre 2011

Insanity D44

Not much to say except that I'm making progress. It's the third time doing Max Interval circuit I was going through 2 of the 3 series without problems (sometimes did easier variation to preserve the knees, sometime did harder variations, when I say easier / harder the difference is very small but I have to tell it to be honest).
I also did the third circuit quite alright.
One of the main variation I do is for switch kicks / high knee and the similar moves, when I feel some weakness in my knee I don't jump to switch , I keep trying to go fast still (it's both easier and harder, easier because the jumps are more cardio, harder because there is no rebound help.)
An other variation I do is for moves that are one sided, I alternate sides to try working symetrically.
Sometime I also do the moves in two steps when I feel like the one step version doesn't allow as much power (that's usually for combined jumps/hooks moves as hooks have power if pushing the ground while twisting).
Well I'm still slower for moves that combine push ups and other things but I always do the full ROM of the push ups when on the video I see the guys trying to go fast but not always going all the way down.

Insanity summary 3 days

Couldn't update so here is D40, D41 & D43 :
Second time doing the Max version of each exercise (plyo, cardio and circuit)
It was much, much better.
Still not able to do everything at full speed / without break, but there are some exercises I''m sure I''m using a bigger ROM and I don't take a break as often as the persons in the video.
I'm also feeling better after the training and  the multiple push ups parts are going a lot better (compared to the beginning). The level 3 drill (16 push ups + 16 planck knee lift) is still out of reach with full ROM at the same speed, so I''m doing level 1 instead (4 push ups + 4 planck knee lift) I manage to go to a total of 24 push ups where they go to 32.
My joints are also better (used kneepads 2 days for the rest, know it's ok).

I'm planning to do the second part of Insanity one more time after I finish it and after one week of rest (actual vacations.. so harder to exercise). And then maybe try to do Asylum... we''ll see

Just a small note on gymnastic training:
-Levers still on the right track. "tried" to do flat back for back lever, not as natural as for front lever.
-Handstand have to work on it to be able to do a free standing handstand.
-Abs.... negative pseudo front. Need to work a little bit more activelly on the core. maybe try the L to V (knowing I won't go to a V) and other strange things.
-Dips I feel something strange in my right hand when I do dips. I'm trying to have max ROM and do 5 reps /set
-Reverse hang curls. It''s still a very strange move for me... full body weight curl and you have to  keep your balance, I feel that to do it right I'll need some time.

mercredi 7 septembre 2011

Insanity D39

Yeah... already D39, I can hardly believe it...
Well first I'll be starting  with yesterday's gym training.
I didn't do much (it's still something like 45 minutes break included, but doesn't feel like a lot because didn't do a lot of different things).
I switched back from pseudo wall HS run to static handstand work. My shoulder were already so taxed from the insanity workout I couldn't move. I think that's actually a good thing because I noticed my form isn't quite right and steady (I'm not opening the shoulder enough anymore).
The levers are on a good way still. The form seems fine and the series feel like I still work but I don't fight as much to go through (looks perfectly in line with the gymnastic steady state training explanation). One note : since I asked help to see if my butt and shoulders are leveled, I think I have unconsciously swtiched from a tucked front lever to a flat bask tucked front lever... not exactly a bad thing but I wonder if it will affect the steady state thing.
I've also done a serie of static "front lever flag" well it's really not that, but can't find a nice name. it's just inclined straight body hold, the feet are up the hands help keep an angle between the shoulder and the ground by grabbing something (here the base of my PB) of course the smaller the angle the harder. I would say I'm around 60 degrees. Of course this is to help for front lever. I hope that by doing this I wil prepare my core well enough by the time I try to get to the full front lever (a few months from now, at slow pace like I'm doing now in about 10 month I should be doing the full front lever and full back lever...) I should think of something to work on my back for back lever...

Max recovery : To tell the truth, I really didn't want to do it at all, remember when I said I hated cardio recovery? Well I was expecting something similar, and somehow it is. But it was quite good as far as recovery goes. It's a little less taxing on the legs, but well I HATE this #@%*& arms part. Other than that it was quite good. Oh yeah, today I felt my left knee a little too much, I'm really going to be careful about that.
Tomorrow is hard again, but I still feel all my muscles... hope I'll have recovered enough.

mardi 6 septembre 2011

Insanity D38

Max cardio conditioning.
It's like pure cardio but the next level : longer, harder exercises. (only 45 minutes compared to the others but normally no break).
My legs feel so heavy after that.
And I felt weakness in my joints quite a few time... have to be careful about that, when this arrives  it''s either focus even more than usual or stop completely to avoid an injury.
Tomorrow is Max recovery... it will be good for the joints, but I already know it will be horrible for the muscles...
Ok so the training... lots of combined jumps and arms moves which is kind of tiring. Some move I feel are not studied for  coordination or maybe I''m just not accustomed to it yet.
Warm up is strange compared to usual, the third serie of mmoves doesn''t have the same moves as the first two.
It''s hard... Doing it integraly without any break seems not possible for me right now... 4 weeks after I'm not even sure...

lundi 5 septembre 2011

Insanity D37 / Gymnastic body cycle 1.5 week 5

First gymnastic strength training :
Both good and bad :
-it was really hard to do the "pseudo wall HS run" (call it pseudo because of my modification to make it possible at my level, id est straddle HS with feet on the bars to help the balance and certainly the arms, I'll keep it like that for a time cause otherwise I won''t mke it through without injury I can tell).
-it was somewhat hard to do the levers at first, but then I could finish the sets more easilly than usual (I mean the last rep was not way harder than the first one)
-The really bad part is I was totally burned after the levers, tried to do a tucked planche but crashed. The reason is certainly the insanity gear 2. I hope I'll be able to catch up quickly, I''ve not been doing the L-sits for a while either ( I do the L-chin ups but it's not as hard for the abs).

Insanity D37 : first I want to say I was wrong, The exercises are harder, yesterday it didn't feel harder because I was fresh, but today I know it's a lot harder I got muscle soreness I didn't have for a few weeks.
about the Max Cardio Plyo. It's crazy hard. There's only two series plus one isolated set, but I have to admit it, it's "Insane". The first serie by itself can burn you up entirelly : full body moves, more core twist, more arms.
My favorite move the "Power push ups" it''s not one step from the abs/push up combination I''ve seen in my gym training. basically it's a push up plus a straigth legs inverted V-up (understand get the feet and hand to the same level on the ground). The one I'd love to do is just a little bit more dynamic / plyometric : same move except you touch your feet while airborne and you get right back in the push up position.

I have to be honest, I don't really know how the people on the video did and I can't tell if I took more break than them, cause I was to focused on myself. It's a hard one and I''m worn out.

dimanche 4 septembre 2011

Insanity D36 (no D34) & gym

Woooohooo Max Interval Circuit!!!
Yeah finally starting the serious part of Insanity!
I have to admit shamefully that saturday I didn't do D34. I was really bored. Maybe it was a bad thing and I should consider that I won't complete Insanity. But I don't care. The fun part begins! and I''m finishing this.
So what's different? what's new?
Well it's longer, about 20 minutes longer which is not small. How does it impact the training? One more serie of exercise (instead of 2 series we go up to 3).
What about the training itself?
The warm up is a little bit harder, with inclusion of exercises that were in the series like the switch kicks.
The exercises in the series are not "harder" by themselves but they include more different parts of the body in one rep.
What do I think of the overall difficulty level felt?
Gosh it's tiring. It''s not like going from almost no exercise to the first week of Insanity but it's quite hard. it is actually a lot harder, in the third serie I had to modify a little bit one or two moves cause I was too tired to do the jumps for the squat hooks, but I did squat... hard to explain easy to show...
I'm still a little bit pumped up by the training, but I think I'll have a big feeling of tireness at noon.
At least, that''s what I like in training... pushing the limits.

Saturday I actually did more dips than the "standard" I still did 3 reps per set. I tried to increase the ROM to the maximum of my current capacity (which is go down to a position where the shoulders are slightly above the hands) and do the move in a more controlled manner (go slowly and stop at both the top and bottom).
I did that quite randomly during the day (good being in week end) and actually didn't really count, but I can tell it had an impact, cause I felt my shoulders and chest muscles yesterday (more than usual).

I think this evening it will be very hard for me to do the gymnastic training... lets see.

jeudi 1 septembre 2011

Gymnastic body (cycle 1.5 / week 4)

Don't know what happened but I was able to do the 3 sets of headstand push ups quite "easilly"
It maybe thanks to the handstand wall run, or it maybe because I changed the training method from series to circuit (I called serie doing 3 sets of one exercise in a row with rest in between, and circuit doing one set of each exercise then start over again, I hope it's the same definition for most of the people). I added a leg work exercise too so that it gives me enoguh rest (in circuit mode).
I tried to do one tuck front lever row.... as I thought it is hard. and I tried one tuck planche push ups the ROM is really small (using pushup bars) and it's already hard.
A really small explaination on the title. Cycle 1.5 is because I stop in the midle of my first cycle when I got my bars to be able to include the levers in my training. And hten week 4 it means it's the 4th week of this cycle.
I'm doing a "steady state" type of training so I'm doing the same every week for 8 weeks. It allows the 3 phases of training (overload, load, underload). It might feel a little bit boring at the end, but you have the psychological advantage of a "success" period to boost the confidence before entering a new cycle. I''m at week 4 and I'm starting to get positive result like less struggle to end a workout an/or success trying harder variations.

Insanity D33

Bored... doing every day the same thing is boring, not that it's easier or anything...
only tomorrow left.
I know I'll regret it on monday but it's ok, I prefer being dead tired rather than bored.

mercredi 31 août 2011

Insanity D32 +Gymnastic body

I feel the rest... it's quite nice but I'm starting to get bored, waiting for next week monday.
Wall Hs run + back lever +front lever yesterday. was nice I think I''m getting results can''t wait the end of the cycle to upgrade the move variation.
Also tried a few tuck planche using pushup bars, and it was a lot better than last time I tried, when I say a lot better I mean I was able to hold about 5 seconds mutliple times when I wasn't able to get it before.
I really love the synergy between moves... I guess next cycle I''ll be able to include the tuck planche (I almost abandonned the advanced frog because I don''t like it) and reduce the time of training by doing longer reps unless I''m able to get to the next level of the levers (I started by thinking I would need at least 2 cycle by level with short reps and long reps, but I may have underestimated the progression have to see that).
I also did what I would call the negative front lever abs. I'm starting to get excited because I feel the possibilities opening.
Oh yes I tried the tucked front lever pull up too, It's great to see all the possibilities!
When using a tuck position it's actually quite easy, I would put it at about the same level as L-chinups, it's' just that the move itself needs more control of the body position, but the pull itself require less strength because it''s approximativelly just a rotation and you don't actually lift all the body weight. I suspect the tucked front lever rows to be super hard in comparison, I may give it a try just out of curiosity. I just wouldn't want to burn any steps because I feel enthusiastic.
Tonight is quick training : L-chinups and HeS push ups I'll add the abs cause I just like the move.

mardi 30 août 2011

Insanity D31 + gymnastic body

recovery... recovery. Going smoothly.
Did the bulgarian variation for ring push ups and rows. I think I have to be a little more focused on the core, I may not be in the right position. push ups(bulgarian)  are not that hard but the rows are quite hard as it is now.
I also tried a core exercise  I saw yesterday, it's quite hard. I don't really know how to describe it but it's a bit like doing a partial front lever without the strain on the shoulders and not horizontal. Let''s say it's sort of a negative front lever from pseudo hanging position to horizontal

lundi 29 août 2011

Insanity D30, gymnastic body

Nothing special about D30 just trying not to over do it, maybe I should try to go completly through the shoulder series without a break... but I really want to rest, and doing the gymnastic training at the same time I just don't want to push too much for this core cardio & balance..
Yesterday I tried the wall hand stand run. Well It was as much as I could do it.
The thing is I didn't work for handstand in a loooong time, so it was maybe a little bit to much of an expectation.
Well about the move, it was more a straddle handstand and then I'm using the bars to help me stabilize (and actually not the wall at all)
Secondly it was suggested to do 10 minutes in total, but after 2 minutes it was already too much (I did it 4x 30 seconds) I suppose I will have to build up from that.
And now I have someone who occasioonally helps me spot my levers so that I work levelled. It's a lot harder like that for the front lever. (i mean tucked of course) It seems that it also force me to have a more flat back... maybe it will help me to get faster/ better results (but I keep in minde the hurry slowly advice).
Another thing, if I stop to long after doing the levers.. it's impossible for me to finish the training (my arms feel really tired after they cooled down a little). Yeah I suppose I shouldn't be surprised ....

dimanche 28 août 2011

Insanity D27 & D29

D27 was the last power & resistance. I did good. I was really tired afterwards so I consider it was good.

D29 Core cardio & Balance, something new at last! Well I don't really know, it's supposed to be a recovery week. So I started with recovery in mind. light exercises and everything. The truth is that this workout could be as hard as a pure cardio if pushing as much. I didn't push It's been two weeks I've been feeling smal strains on my anckles so I choose to do a real recvery week here. Not that I didn't sweat, I did. At the end of the workout I was sweating as much as for the others. It took just a little bit more time to get there. I will try to do more stretch this week.
After the first 4 weeks is there any visible result?
Yes and no... I'm not sure if it's entirelly due to Insanity. especially for the upper body gains. But one thing is sure, I'm a little bit leaner (the muscle lines are a little bit more visible). And I got bigger thighs. When I say bigger I really mean it : only my largest baggy jeans actually feels comfortable all the others are to small for my  legs. How can I be sure I didn't gain fat or something similar? I'm not 100% sure of course but still with the jeans test, my belt is at the smallest and the belt doesn't feel tight at all. For the upper body as I was saying I think it's more related to the gym training but I'm definitelly larger (t-shirt / shirts) same point here I only feel the tightness at the shoulder/chest/upper back section.

I've been looking at the second part of the Insanity program and I can tell this will be really hard. It'll be fun! Need to recover enough.  I may not update as much about Insanity this week as it is the same workout all week long. maybe just a few words.. I'll see.

jeudi 25 août 2011

Gymnastic body: basic strength training

A little update on the basic body strength.
Rows and Ring push ups are note THAT challenging (feet approximatively level with rings) 3sets of  5, usually the last few reps feel harder, I will stick with this once a week.
Headstand push ups are hard ( have to break up the last set to finish doing the 3 last reps) and the L-chinups are just "perfectly" challenging 3sets of 4 reps, I feel like I could eventually do a 5th rep but the form wouldn't be good.
Found out another exercise that seems really nice HandStand wall runs. Seems like it's a realy good exercise to do once a week to get strong shoulder. Have to see were I can put them in my training without overtraining and without lengthening the training too much. I may have to do that on saturday... (best day I think as Sunday is an exercise free day)

Insanity D26

Best Pure cardio so far.
Did way better on the frog jumps and suicide jumps (the ones I have to stop because it's just after arms)
Regarding arms exercises I didn't do exceptionally good but certainly better than I used to (still need to get a few breaks but get quite a few reps and those exercises are in the last part of training so I'm already quite tired when doing them).
The only thing I changed is when I wanted to stop for a break say to myself :"Are you sure you want to stop? You're not allowed to stop until you can't really go further! Are you sure you can't continue?" Odly enough it worked quite well...
Even more odly I pushed myself harder than usual but I didn't feel exhausted at the end, my muscles were and still are burned up but I asn't totally unable to move as I was at the beginning.
Only bad point this morning was the warm up, maybe it's because I train to much but I find it hard do get the engine starting, I let me get a little more time before starting the warm up with some light move and I start the warm up really lighly. I still finish at full speed like it's supposed to be though. I actually think it's not that bad, but maybe it doesn't burn as much as it would.

mercredi 24 août 2011

Insanity D25

I have to say it was a little bit of a freestyle training for the last cardio recovery.
I did the slow squat and static squat completely but I did quite a few variation on some exercises...
It was nice and my quads still burn. that's ok. All in all I did this training as it should be done pushwise speacking.

mardi 23 août 2011

Insanity D24

It was the last plyometric cardio circuit for Insanity!
Yes, this week there is cardio recovery, power & resistance cardio and pure cardio+cardio abs left.
And then there is one week of pseudo recovery before Insanity second level which doesn't have plyometric cardio circuit anymore (Max Interval plyo instead...).
So how was this "last" one? It was a massacre.... both ways.
I did great for the first serie (the one without arms) and so so for the second serie...
I think I really need to learn to push when my arms are burning. I can do that for my legs.. but not really my arms.
Oh I tried some variations at the end for in & out. You're supposed to be in a planck position and bring your feet under you by bending your knees to your chest (yeah it's much more simpler with a picture but I have none...) and then go back in planck position, I tried to do this with straight legs. My conclusion, it's easier to go fast when bending your knees, which is good for interval/cardio training but the straight legs variation asks more power in the abs and more flexibility in the legs. I think in the long run the straight leg variation can be as demanding for interval training just have to get used to the move and try hard.

lundi 22 août 2011

Insanity D23 & gymnastic

Well I know why I though recently the insanity thing was getting easier.
My bicycle had  flat tire and so I didn't use it to go to work. meaning 1h to 1h30 of biking less... meaning less strain on the legs.
Today I had to train with yesterday's training still there so I felt it a lot more : my thighs were a lot less responsive to my will, resulting in a warm up session starting really slowly.
I managed to get through the arm part a little better than usual, maybe because I couldn't do my whole gymnastic session yesterday due to lack of time. (I'll finish it tonight with the dynamic variation)
Good news is back lever and fron lever are a little better handled.
Bad news is while the cardio abs is quite nice to warm up for the gymnastic session it results in 16 minutes delay (thus not being able to finish the training when you have plans) and more importantly the L-sit and Straddle sets were a lot harder.
I still think it's a good start for gymnastic session and I will certainly get used to it if I continue. next time is supposed to be friday. Maybe I should use the p90x abs on wednesday to see. (I think it would impair even more the L-sits and straddle so have to think about it).

dimanche 21 août 2011

Insanity D20 & 22

Technically D22 is not finished, I wanted to try and see if I can use cardio abs to warm up for my gym strength training (and yes I didn't want to arrive late because of cardio abs).
Saturday's' plyo cardio went pretty well for the first half. I was really in it and was pushing through. but second half was just so so. I hope I'm saying that because I feel I should be able to do more rather than because I really did so so on the second half.

Pure cardio this morning warm up was really slow to get me starting... but finally I was able to kick in until the arm part. I think I did a little better for this and the frog jumps. and then it was too late for cardio abs so I decided it would be a good warm up for my evening training.

There is also something... I think I'm getting a little bit bored.. well it's' normal as it is the forth week in the "Gear 1" part of insanity, next week is a "rest" week and then it's the "gear 2" I think I will watch the gear 2 videos to see what awaits me.
I think I should also think about what should come after this... The main problem is I'm working out in my apartment as convenient as it is, it also implies limitation in space as well as in the noise I can reasonably make.
I think this training way with cardio/interval training in the morning is quite nice. I think I'll just take things in the pool of cardio/interval/no weight training I  have and make up something for 6 days keeping this 6days workout 1 day rest pattern. well it's ok I still have 6 weeks to figure that out (and I''ll have a bigger pool to take form as I'll had finished gear 2 from insanity, might also take some of the "gear 3" Asylum workout and of course the p90X/p90X+ that I like) The bad part is I should also use a cardio recovery /yoga X type of training to be sure to do balance exercises as well as static strength and stretch.

jeudi 18 août 2011

Gymnastic body : Upper body press / pull

I love it. it's really a quick training! If I can get results like that it's cool! I guess I can put some effort and do it 3 times a week instead of the 2 times I initially planed, thus being able to do the 3 different pairs.
Now about the choice of the exercises...
L-chinups are just right I guess, just have to make sure I use full ROM, their is a huge temptation not to fully extend the arms when going down.... but 3 sets of 3 are alright, maybe I should try sets of 4 to get it more challenging.
Headstand pushups ... well it's quite strange the first one seemed easy and the last one from the first set was hard. but then the second one from the last set was impossible for me... guess it's challenging enough. I'll see if I can get to 3 sets of 3 as I train hopefully before the 8 weeks so I can move on to another move in the next cycle.

Insanity D19

Power & resistance cardio.
Don't know why but warm up felt harder, while the rest felt easier. v-push ups and  moving push ups are a lot better now (it's the 4th time I'm doing this particular training). Still far from being able to do full ROM at full speed. It means there is still a lot of room for improvement which is always good. also means if I decide to start Insanity over I know what I can do. (unless by that time I'm already a killer at those moves which is quite doubtful).

mercredi 17 août 2011

Gymnastic body : Upper body press / pull

here is the dependency graph from the exercises in the book:
Upper body press

Upper body pulls

To make it short there are 4 different types of exercises for pull and press.
3 are one plane and one is "multi-plane".
If you pay enough attention you can see that you can easilly couple the exercises by agonist/antagonist workout groups, well I'm not sure this definition is really good, but the pulls/press pair up pretty well :
- push ups and rows
- pull ups and handstand push ups
- Dips and Reverse curls
And multiplane goes with multiplane but I won't be interested by those for a moment as I'm really building the basic level skills (basics within basics as this is all suppose to build basic strength).
So that's what I'm going to do for a while, alternating between each pair in a "steady state" workout style (choosing something chalenging doing it for 8 weeks until it's no more challenging and go up or down as in my graph).
The static position takes quite a reasonable amount of time so I'm only going to do this pair 2 days a week... should be 3 days so that I can do each pair in a week... I'll see about that...
for now I have monday wednesday friday for static and tuesday thursday for pull/press, lets see if I can motivate myself enough to do saturday also...
I'm still in the process to find the right exercise to start like simple rows were a little bit easy I think as well as simple ring push ups. maybe I should do the elevated version.
Headstand push ups are ok, I mean ok hard.
I''ll see for L-sit chin-ups...

Gymnastic body : static training

Although this morning insanity cardio recovery was bad, yesterday's static strength traiing was quite good.
I timed myself for the levers and I think I was taking a lot more rest time when I didn't time myself.
It resulted in a herder time finishing the sets for front and back lever. Another modification is the height of the bar I use. I set it up quite higher (a little bit higher than shoulder level). This resulted in some changes to get in position. It was much harder to get in a tucked back lever and it seemed much more easy to get in a front lever. BUT from the 8th rep of front lever it started to be really hard with a failure on my left shoulder (had to focus and control a lot more my moves to finish the last wo reps).
The exercises I did after seemed harder as well, L-sit seemed difficult from the middle of the reps and the low straddle was even more difficult. But the pseudo planche and pseudo reverse planche seemed easier. I also did some static finger hold. I tried a few tuck planche on the push up bars, I think 3 seconds was the best I did. I will continue working on the pseudo planche and try the "ball planche" (as my friends call it) until I can hold it long enough to put it in the workout routine.
Normally today I should do a short dynamic workout one pull exercise and one press exercise. If I can do it (understand not too dead to do it) I will go for a headstand pushup set and a pull up set (I'd like to try the L-sit pull ups but not sure I can make it yet).

Insanity D18

Cardio recovery was simply bad... I was so tired this mornin... still did what I could but that wasn't a lot. I still managed to be a little more in for static leg work but the rest was ... ridiculous.

mardi 16 août 2011

Gymnastic body : static training

Remember when I said I was doing approximatively sets of 10 6 secondes repetition for the levers. That's because I wasn't timing it. Starting today, I will time it so that it's the same as the other exercises.
I will try putting some dynamic basic strength training in my routine 2 days a week (the days I don't do statics) should be a short training as I'll do an upper body press exercise and an upper body pull  exercice each time (so no more than 15 minutes as I do 3 sets of 3 to 5 reps as advised in the book). I will keep you updated on those (there are some graph I made for those progression as well).

Insanity D16 & D17

Yep double entry... couldn''t post yesterday so here is a summary:
-D16 plyo cardio : still same problem with the arm exercises, but I'm starting to be able to do more.
-D17 pure cardio + cardio abs : still the same have to make a break for arms exercises, frog jump were just after arms so needed a break too. I did try to have full ROM on arm related exercises though and it was a little easier. All in all I think I'm getting more comfortable with those exercises. The thing is I read somewhere that 3 weeks is too short for real gain in strength, it is more neuro-muscular adaptation, real strength gain need about 6 weeks... I'll see when I'm there. About the cardio abs... well it's boring but it burns enough for me to take a few breaks. But as I said previously, I will certainly soon change to a harder version. (I actually feel more abs during the tucked back lever because I have to do a full contraction).

After 17 days the main gain is to be able to go on longer and I'm not dead tired as I used to be when I finish (recuperation is a lot faster). For now I still sweat a bucket ... don't know if it's because of the weather more than the training... I have to see if I do the workout during winter.

dimanche 14 août 2011

Static training.

Friday evening I did again the static training.
I couldn't do the frog stand (Planche progression) and the middle split hold (Manna progression)
but did everything else plus Pseudo planche and pseudo reverse planche (that's the name I gave it).
While pseudo planche doesn't help for the balance of planche, it helps for shoulder strength and I hope the reverse pseudo planche is a little bit the same for Manna.
I can't train every day, it's actually a lot more demanding than I thought. Just as a reference yesterday (sunday) I still had soreness from friday (when I mean soreness it's not just the sensation of stiffness it's enough to tell me I couldn't have trained yesterday).
Some notes about the levers (yeah I like the levers... well it's the newest exercise in my training) :
-Front lever is a lot more difficult for me than back lever.
-If I train Back lever with palm facing the floor (that's the direction recommended in "gymnastic body") it has a big impact on biceps.
I have done only two times the levers... I hope I will get used to it shortly enough, cause I'm a little bit afraid of the front lever, the strain on my left shoulder is sometime so intense that it's painfull (proof once again that my previous training was not symetric... I new it but that's a really visible right shoulder doesn't have a problem when I do the front lever.)

Insanity D13 & D15

I kind of feared D13 because it was first time pure cardio plus cardio abs.
Well the exercices in cardio abs are not that hard, but what is hard is the fact that you (well I) do it just after pure cardio. and that you stay in a contracted position most of the time. This is exactly what I hate.
I'm wondering if I should switch to some more "hardcore" abs series like the p90X one (it is more dynamic).
I would have more fun performing it...and I kind of need the "fun" to keep me motivated. The next "double session" is wednesday (shit it's not the usual repartition should have been on friday if I followed the normal order of the training), so I have some time to think it over.
I am also thinking about splitting the training in two (morning and evening) the problem is that except for week 8 (which is really week 9 when you count the rest week) all the "double session" are on a day of the week when I do my gymnastic body training... so I don't really have time to add this abs thing... Do I need to wake up earlier? gosh.. this morning was already kind of hard although I woke up early my mind was not really ready...
Talking about this morning D15 it was the second fit test. As expected (thanksfully) I had some progresses for every exercises. Some not much but some really nice. the best progress is certainly "globe jumps" from 7 to 11. One other note is I think I performed the moves with a better form and maybe a better ROM.
The one I'm a little bit disappointed in is suicide jumps, I was so out of breath that I had to take a rest and didn't perform as well as I would have if I was fresh (yeah normal you would say...)
So that's it for those past 3 days...
Just a small comment : Insanity is actually 63 days (I count rest days of course, all the coaches say rest is part of training).

jeudi 11 août 2011

Insanity D12

Cardio power & resistance.

It was one of those morning who you prefer to start it slow... So I wasn't in it till the third serie of warm up.
As I decided at the beginning of the week I focused on having the widest ROM, thus making a bit slower moves.
The good news the arm involving moves seemed in reach. I couldn't do everything without stopping but I guess it's possible (I mean for me who has a hard time with that).
I don't know if it's worth mentionning or if it make smy training void, but  I've been modifying the stretching part off the circuit... I'm used to stretch and all so I sometime replace moves by variation that I consider more efficient. (not doing splits yet cause I'm not as flexible as I used to, but I guess I'll come to it soon).
Tomorrow is the start of double training (pure cardio + cardio abs)... I think I will hate the cardio abs... it's semi-static again....

mercredi 10 août 2011

Gymnastic body : static training

My installation is done (actually not completely but enough to get to do the static bodyweight workout I described).

My current static training :
-1)L-sit 12sec * 5
-2)Straddle PB Low 12sec * 5
-3)Middle split hold bent 6sec * 10 (it's even a level under that cause I still can't push my hips off the hands)
-4)Frog stand advance 6sc * 10 (when I can find the correct balance)
-5)Back lever tuck 6sec *10 approximativelly (if I can't hold I just relax.. it's a new move)
-6)Front lever tuck 6sec *10 approx (same as above)
Exercices that are not in the graphic :
-7)Pseudo planche 12sec *10 (it's just static hold of a pushup position with hands near the hips and arms straight, supposed to help me for the planche later on).
-8)Pseudo back-planche position 12sec*10 (supposed to help for mana... not sure though but definitely helps for advance variation of the L-sit)
-9)Finger hold 6sec *10 (standard push up position just on the fingers)

Usually I can't do everything in one evening and yesterday I started back and front lever for the first time.
I did everything except 3, 4, 9 (that's for tonight...)

My feeling on the levers : front lever is a lot harder than expected and back lever involves different muscles from what I thought. The thing is I can still feel my arms so I guess it's really effective.
I have to say I like doing the levers, even in tuck position it still needs a lot of focus and works in a lot more different muscles than it would first seem.
My shoulders are sore.

There is a synergy between all those moves I hope that I can have faster progresses but I keep in mind that while it comes to training I have to "hurry slowly" to avoid any problems.

Insanity D11

Cardio recovery my ass!
I forgot which exercices there were that makes you burn, now I remember : slow / static squat and slow / static lunge.... I can't hold it all the time... maybe it's only a matter of willpower. Other than that I think this workout is pretty ok for me... oh there's the "Table balance" there's room for improvement there too. Get the back leg higher.

Well my legs are more sore than with the other sessions... how can I tell? Just because of the biking too work after that. It's so much harder/slower.

mardi 9 août 2011

Insanity D10

Plyometric cardio circuit.
I think my VO2 max has increased quite impressivelly compared to the first time. I don't have the heavy breath of the first time. The arm strength is as always what pulls me down. I can''t go all out on cardio because I'm unable to finish the exercices when it involves to much arm.

Overall I feel less tired at the end of the training, I can (almost) go all out for the exercices that don't involve arms.

Tomorrow is Cardio recovery.... I think I hate it, it's somehow like yoga all those slow motion moves... never been good at that. When I did P90X's Yoga X it was the same.... I'm actually not used to this kind of burn sensation... If it is stretching or dynamic moves related muscle pain... I can stand it no problem...(except maybe the arms :p)

lundi 8 août 2011

Gymnastic body : static training

I will soon be able to train on front and back lever. Just need to finish the installations. and I will officially start a 8 week circuit (although I already started static training for a while now).
If all is good today I''ll be able to try my "max rep" for front and back lever in tuck position, I used to do it a little and my overall strength is better than it used to be for this kind of things, so I expect something like 15 /20 sec for max.
After that I'll introduce the "dynamic basic strength" training in the book. It's mainly upper body training which is good for me as it''s my weakness, and insanity works a lot on legs.

Insanity D9

I had a hard time waking up and starting...
All over I think I did better than last time, less rest, suicide jumps I did the all minute.
I need to improve on 3 moves :
_Switch kicks I did it all the minute but I didn't jump for the switch every time.
_The 8 push ups planck run thing was bad as always.
_The push up jacks was bad (just after suicide jumps so I guess I was finished already but push-upwise I'm not good)

I tried to concentrate on speed as I wrote yesterday, so I think sometimes my ROM (Range of Motion) was a little bit too small (especially for push-ups).

dimanche 7 août 2011

Insanity D6 & D8

No D7.. it's rest day.
D6 : plyometric cardio. I made it in hte middle of the afternoon instead of morning... (week end and all having time is nice).
It's the last time I do that, I think I really need to do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach otherwise it gives some nausea, have to do breaks not because I can't go on but because I don't feel right.

D8 : power & resistance cardio. The question is shall I concentrate on speed or full range of motion. At my current level there are quite a few exercices for which I can't do both. I guess full range of motion would be better in term of power but then I don't get the benefit from interval training which is the reason why I started Insanity in the first place... Well tomorrow is pure cardio so I guess speed IS the most important for tomorrow.
Just need to make a choice for power & resistance.

Ok so from now on main focus :
-Plyometric cardio circuit : try to be on the floor as little as possible (rebound is the core of plyo training)
-Power & resistance : full range of motion.
-Pure cardio : speed up

There's still one exercice I didn't try for the first month : Cardio abs, first try saturday... I think it will burn cause I've been training for static or high speed not slow motion as in the video... and well you always stay contracted for the entire serie.

jeudi 4 août 2011

Gymnastic body : introduction to static strength

In my first post I said I was not using insanity for strength building, but rather inspiration from a book I found by chance : "building the gymnastic body" You can use your favorite search engine to find more about that. here is the graph I've made for the static strength progression in the book.
Static strength progression

According to the advices found in the book here is how it works :
-For each progression you check wich move you are capable of.
-For this move check how long you can keep the position.
-Divide this number by two this is how long is a rep, divide 60 by the rep time and you have your number of rep in a set.
-Add between 45 to 90 seconds of rest between reps.

Ok now an exemple: Say you can do an L-sit for 20 seconds, now your rep time is 10 seconds (20/2) and your number of rep is 6 (60/10). I try to get rest time as short as possible for reps of 5 second I consider 45 sec and for 10 secs reps I use 50. So for this exemple I would do:
 10 / 50 * 6. a total of 6 minutes rest included.

Now that this is understood 2 more things:
-XR and PB stands for Rings (gymnastic rings) and parallel bars.
-For Static work you can usually use paralleletes or pushup bars instead of parallel bars, and a set of ring with straps attached to a pull-up bar can work instead of  real rings.

Ok so now that we have the starting point, how do I go through to that last awesome move in the graph?
I can't really tell you cause I'm not there yet (far from it actually) but this is what I intend to do (following the advices of the coach in the book):
-Keep the same training level for 8 to 12 weeks (The first weeks should be challenging and the last weeks should feel quite easy). The reason is that you need time to improve by challenging yourself, but also time for your muscle to repair itself, well the explaination is better in the book but in short it avoids overtraining and training injuries.
-When your rep is higher than 15 seconds it means you need to level up the exercice
-If you should level up the exercice but can't perform the new exercice, continue with the easier version while experimenting with the new version until you can do the new version.

Insanity day 5

Today was pure cardio.
When I first looked at the video yesterday it looked endless. after the warm up and stretches it's a non stop serie of cardio exercices.
How I feel? well I think because I was already afraid of this one before even starting, I may not have given as much as I could have... Well I don't mean It wasn't extremly tiring, but I should have pushed myself more with some of the exercices, especially the last one but the burn was already here.
As usual I was still sweating like crazy.
Muscle pain... I would say a little less, but I can't really tell which is from today's' training or the previous days

There is a side effect I didn't foresee. Two times this week I woke up 20 minutes before the alarm feeling fresh, and only one time I had a difficult time

mercredi 3 août 2011

Insanity day 4

I've started insanity on monday.
I kind of prefer it to p90X (or p90X+) simply because I'm not the dumbbell kind of guy (I recognize dumbbell sometime has its good sides, but still) and will have another subject of training for power gains with body weight training (based on a book I found "'build the gymnastic body").
So about those past 4 days :
-Day 1 fit test... result is ok... I've not been doing any interval/cardio training for a while so the last exercise I could feel the built up fatigue. And as I was already aware of... my arms are weaker than the rest.
-Day 2 plyometric cardio circuit... well that was something, I was still sweating half an hour after the end of it. Ok I'm in shanghai, it's summer, kind of warm and humid weather, but still...and again arms were too weak to finish correctly all the exercises (static arm holds exercises).
-Day 3 power cardio and resistance... The only thing I remember is my shoulder being sore from the V push-ups. I've been doing headstand push-ups for a while (see the part on gymnastic body later) but because this is a lot more reps even with a smaller range of motion (ROM) it had a huge impact on my shoulders (I managed somehow to do it to the end though).
-Day 4 cardio recovery.... HAHAHAHA this is a joke the only recovery here is that you don't do high intensity/speed sets... me thighs burned more than the other days from all the static works... had to wear baggy today cause I wasn't sure I would fit in my other jeans.