mercredi 21 septembre 2011

Insanity catch up.

This week was kind of weird regarding training.
first D50 on monday : I didn't do the insanity in the morning, but I did it after work and it was quite good.
I even did the usual gym training.
Then tuesday morning I was able to do D51 without problem (not even 12 hours after the previous training)
during the evening the basic strength training went well, I even added some core training that wasn't planned.
Yesterday was D53 with Max Cardio Conditionning in the morning and Insane abs in the evening.
I tried hard to do the Insane abs as in the video. The moves are not hard, but doing everything in a row makes the abs burn. the planck part was still not completed perfectly (I still lack arm strength I guess, and not enough willpower too). after that my planning (changed this week) was to try Max time was the levers, then train L-sits, straddle sits, pseudo planche and pseudo reverse planche.
Results are quite surprising :
-Back lever I was able to stay about 30 seconds and I think I could have pushed a little more.
-Front lever I was able to stay about 20 seconds and I don't think I could have pushed.
I wasn't able to do any L-sits and didn't even try the Straddle sits, my arms were not burned and could have handle it I think, but my abs were totally burned (Insane abs before I tried to keep abs contracted at all/most time like he said).
Pseudo planche/reverse planche were absolutly no problem, I didn't even feel much of a burn. Next cycle I will go for the elevated feet version. Maybe I just didn't do them right... I wonder...

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