jeudi 1 septembre 2011

Gymnastic body (cycle 1.5 / week 4)

Don't know what happened but I was able to do the 3 sets of headstand push ups quite "easilly"
It maybe thanks to the handstand wall run, or it maybe because I changed the training method from series to circuit (I called serie doing 3 sets of one exercise in a row with rest in between, and circuit doing one set of each exercise then start over again, I hope it's the same definition for most of the people). I added a leg work exercise too so that it gives me enoguh rest (in circuit mode).
I tried to do one tuck front lever row.... as I thought it is hard. and I tried one tuck planche push ups the ROM is really small (using pushup bars) and it's already hard.
A really small explaination on the title. Cycle 1.5 is because I stop in the midle of my first cycle when I got my bars to be able to include the levers in my training. And hten week 4 it means it's the 4th week of this cycle.
I'm doing a "steady state" type of training so I'm doing the same every week for 8 weeks. It allows the 3 phases of training (overload, load, underload). It might feel a little bit boring at the end, but you have the psychological advantage of a "success" period to boost the confidence before entering a new cycle. I''m at week 4 and I'm starting to get positive result like less struggle to end a workout an/or success trying harder variations.

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