mercredi 31 août 2011

Insanity D32 +Gymnastic body

I feel the rest... it's quite nice but I'm starting to get bored, waiting for next week monday.
Wall Hs run + back lever +front lever yesterday. was nice I think I''m getting results can''t wait the end of the cycle to upgrade the move variation.
Also tried a few tuck planche using pushup bars, and it was a lot better than last time I tried, when I say a lot better I mean I was able to hold about 5 seconds mutliple times when I wasn't able to get it before.
I really love the synergy between moves... I guess next cycle I''ll be able to include the tuck planche (I almost abandonned the advanced frog because I don''t like it) and reduce the time of training by doing longer reps unless I''m able to get to the next level of the levers (I started by thinking I would need at least 2 cycle by level with short reps and long reps, but I may have underestimated the progression have to see that).
I also did what I would call the negative front lever abs. I'm starting to get excited because I feel the possibilities opening.
Oh yes I tried the tucked front lever pull up too, It's great to see all the possibilities!
When using a tuck position it's actually quite easy, I would put it at about the same level as L-chinups, it's' just that the move itself needs more control of the body position, but the pull itself require less strength because it''s approximativelly just a rotation and you don't actually lift all the body weight. I suspect the tucked front lever rows to be super hard in comparison, I may give it a try just out of curiosity. I just wouldn't want to burn any steps because I feel enthusiastic.
Tonight is quick training : L-chinups and HeS push ups I'll add the abs cause I just like the move.

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