mercredi 14 septembre 2011

Insanity D46

Nothing to say about it, it's Max recovery, I revovered and no I didn't push myself and I'm not motivated to push myself for this, the stretches are not stretching me enough (especially for the arms and legs) and the other things burn but I don't like it... I still did the workout and went through almost everything (arms not completelly).

Didn't do the static gym training yesterday (had something else), that's the reason I tried the new thing on tuesday, and I'll do it tonight too (it's lever related exercise so I guess it will help too).

Tomorrow is Max cardio conditioning + Insane abs. I'll do as usual Max cardio conditioning in the morning and the insane abs as a "warm up" for gym training. I'm watching it right now, I think the back lever / front lever will feel like hell after this...Insane abs is 30 minutes something... The exercises still don't look as hard as the ab ripper X from p90X, but it's longer...

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