mardi 16 août 2011

Insanity D16 & D17

Yep double entry... couldn''t post yesterday so here is a summary:
-D16 plyo cardio : still same problem with the arm exercises, but I'm starting to be able to do more.
-D17 pure cardio + cardio abs : still the same have to make a break for arms exercises, frog jump were just after arms so needed a break too. I did try to have full ROM on arm related exercises though and it was a little easier. All in all I think I'm getting more comfortable with those exercises. The thing is I read somewhere that 3 weeks is too short for real gain in strength, it is more neuro-muscular adaptation, real strength gain need about 6 weeks... I'll see when I'm there. About the cardio abs... well it's boring but it burns enough for me to take a few breaks. But as I said previously, I will certainly soon change to a harder version. (I actually feel more abs during the tucked back lever because I have to do a full contraction).

After 17 days the main gain is to be able to go on longer and I'm not dead tired as I used to be when I finish (recuperation is a lot faster). For now I still sweat a bucket ... don't know if it's because of the weather more than the training... I have to see if I do the workout during winter.

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