lundi 5 septembre 2011

Insanity D37 / Gymnastic body cycle 1.5 week 5

First gymnastic strength training :
Both good and bad :
-it was really hard to do the "pseudo wall HS run" (call it pseudo because of my modification to make it possible at my level, id est straddle HS with feet on the bars to help the balance and certainly the arms, I'll keep it like that for a time cause otherwise I won''t mke it through without injury I can tell).
-it was somewhat hard to do the levers at first, but then I could finish the sets more easilly than usual (I mean the last rep was not way harder than the first one)
-The really bad part is I was totally burned after the levers, tried to do a tucked planche but crashed. The reason is certainly the insanity gear 2. I hope I'll be able to catch up quickly, I''ve not been doing the L-sits for a while either ( I do the L-chin ups but it's not as hard for the abs).

Insanity D37 : first I want to say I was wrong, The exercises are harder, yesterday it didn't feel harder because I was fresh, but today I know it's a lot harder I got muscle soreness I didn't have for a few weeks.
about the Max Cardio Plyo. It's crazy hard. There's only two series plus one isolated set, but I have to admit it, it's "Insane". The first serie by itself can burn you up entirelly : full body moves, more core twist, more arms.
My favorite move the "Power push ups" it''s not one step from the abs/push up combination I''ve seen in my gym training. basically it's a push up plus a straigth legs inverted V-up (understand get the feet and hand to the same level on the ground). The one I'd love to do is just a little bit more dynamic / plyometric : same move except you touch your feet while airborne and you get right back in the push up position.

I have to be honest, I don't really know how the people on the video did and I can't tell if I took more break than them, cause I was to focused on myself. It's a hard one and I''m worn out.

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