mardi 6 septembre 2011

Insanity D38

Max cardio conditioning.
It's like pure cardio but the next level : longer, harder exercises. (only 45 minutes compared to the others but normally no break).
My legs feel so heavy after that.
And I felt weakness in my joints quite a few time... have to be careful about that, when this arrives  it''s either focus even more than usual or stop completely to avoid an injury.
Tomorrow is Max recovery... it will be good for the joints, but I already know it will be horrible for the muscles...
Ok so the training... lots of combined jumps and arms moves which is kind of tiring. Some move I feel are not studied for  coordination or maybe I''m just not accustomed to it yet.
Warm up is strange compared to usual, the third serie of mmoves doesn''t have the same moves as the first two.
It''s hard... Doing it integraly without any break seems not possible for me right now... 4 weeks after I'm not even sure...

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