mercredi 3 août 2011

Insanity day 4

I've started insanity on monday.
I kind of prefer it to p90X (or p90X+) simply because I'm not the dumbbell kind of guy (I recognize dumbbell sometime has its good sides, but still) and will have another subject of training for power gains with body weight training (based on a book I found "'build the gymnastic body").
So about those past 4 days :
-Day 1 fit test... result is ok... I've not been doing any interval/cardio training for a while so the last exercise I could feel the built up fatigue. And as I was already aware of... my arms are weaker than the rest.
-Day 2 plyometric cardio circuit... well that was something, I was still sweating half an hour after the end of it. Ok I'm in shanghai, it's summer, kind of warm and humid weather, but still...and again arms were too weak to finish correctly all the exercises (static arm holds exercises).
-Day 3 power cardio and resistance... The only thing I remember is my shoulder being sore from the V push-ups. I've been doing headstand push-ups for a while (see the part on gymnastic body later) but because this is a lot more reps even with a smaller range of motion (ROM) it had a huge impact on my shoulders (I managed somehow to do it to the end though).
-Day 4 cardio recovery.... HAHAHAHA this is a joke the only recovery here is that you don't do high intensity/speed sets... me thighs burned more than the other days from all the static works... had to wear baggy today cause I wasn't sure I would fit in my other jeans.

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