jeudi 4 août 2011

Insanity day 5

Today was pure cardio.
When I first looked at the video yesterday it looked endless. after the warm up and stretches it's a non stop serie of cardio exercices.
How I feel? well I think because I was already afraid of this one before even starting, I may not have given as much as I could have... Well I don't mean It wasn't extremly tiring, but I should have pushed myself more with some of the exercices, especially the last one but the burn was already here.
As usual I was still sweating like crazy.
Muscle pain... I would say a little less, but I can't really tell which is from today's' training or the previous days

There is a side effect I didn't foresee. Two times this week I woke up 20 minutes before the alarm feeling fresh, and only one time I had a difficult time

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