mardi 23 août 2011

Insanity D24

It was the last plyometric cardio circuit for Insanity!
Yes, this week there is cardio recovery, power & resistance cardio and pure cardio+cardio abs left.
And then there is one week of pseudo recovery before Insanity second level which doesn't have plyometric cardio circuit anymore (Max Interval plyo instead...).
So how was this "last" one? It was a massacre.... both ways.
I did great for the first serie (the one without arms) and so so for the second serie...
I think I really need to learn to push when my arms are burning. I can do that for my legs.. but not really my arms.
Oh I tried some variations at the end for in & out. You're supposed to be in a planck position and bring your feet under you by bending your knees to your chest (yeah it's much more simpler with a picture but I have none...) and then go back in planck position, I tried to do this with straight legs. My conclusion, it's easier to go fast when bending your knees, which is good for interval/cardio training but the straight legs variation asks more power in the abs and more flexibility in the legs. I think in the long run the straight leg variation can be as demanding for interval training just have to get used to the move and try hard.

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