mercredi 17 août 2011

Gymnastic body : static training

Although this morning insanity cardio recovery was bad, yesterday's static strength traiing was quite good.
I timed myself for the levers and I think I was taking a lot more rest time when I didn't time myself.
It resulted in a herder time finishing the sets for front and back lever. Another modification is the height of the bar I use. I set it up quite higher (a little bit higher than shoulder level). This resulted in some changes to get in position. It was much harder to get in a tucked back lever and it seemed much more easy to get in a front lever. BUT from the 8th rep of front lever it started to be really hard with a failure on my left shoulder (had to focus and control a lot more my moves to finish the last wo reps).
The exercises I did after seemed harder as well, L-sit seemed difficult from the middle of the reps and the low straddle was even more difficult. But the pseudo planche and pseudo reverse planche seemed easier. I also did some static finger hold. I tried a few tuck planche on the push up bars, I think 3 seconds was the best I did. I will continue working on the pseudo planche and try the "ball planche" (as my friends call it) until I can hold it long enough to put it in the workout routine.
Normally today I should do a short dynamic workout one pull exercise and one press exercise. If I can do it (understand not too dead to do it) I will go for a headstand pushup set and a pull up set (I'd like to try the L-sit pull ups but not sure I can make it yet).

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