jeudi 15 septembre 2011

Insanity D47 / half. Gymnastic bodies

Chronological order, so Gymnastic Basic strength training. A little update on the upper body pull and press for week 6 :
- Yesterday's press was headstand push up, with wall help (actually I use my bar cause the wall is behind my bar and other walls are not useable/ accessible). It's week 6 of this cycle (remember I named this cycle "cycle 1.5" cause I stopped my first cycle half way when I got my bars and I decided to start insanity) which means actually the 6th time doing it in this way since I do it once a week (3 press exercises a week / but each time a different one).
This press exercise is certainly the hardest of my current cycle (Ring push ups are ok, bulgarian variation is hard but I don't feel as much, and dips are ok at my level of variation :simple dips on p bars).
Because I have been able to inish the 3 reps set without breaking the sets, I've decided to try to focus more on control. So a (slightly?!) slower upward movement and a (slightly again?! I can't really tell) slower down negative movement. Result, the last of the reps was really hard, harder than last week, so I guess it works.
Does it count as breaking the steady state cycle, it's a modification of the move... whatever, I don't count it as a modification, I count it as executing the move correctly, the overload period is over and I'm supposed to be at the load period. I didn't change the ROM nor the leverage (which are the 2 things that define a variation normally) so let's say it's ok and it allows the end of a cycle to still be nice and interesting.

-About the upper body-pull, L-chin ups, same thing as for the press, I was able to do 3 sets of 4 to 5 reps, so I decided to focus on control and slowing down the move. Resuls, 3 sets of 3 reps with the last set being a little hard, and feeling my abs as well (which didn't occure when I was faster).

-And I also did the hang to back hang (going through front lever/ reverse hang/back lever....all tucked) this time I did less but I controled it more and I didn't bend the arms.

Now about the first half of Insanity this morning : Max Cardio Conditioning.
I have quite mixed feelings about what I did this morning...
The warm up was not hard but I didn't feel like giving a lot during the warm up. The knee lift (which I usually start without jump for the first round) was really easy.
Then I feel that at the en of the warm up I wasn't totally warmed up and didn't have enough oxygen flowing to my muscle (still felt somehow in an inactive state).
And once more I feel that the stretching is so light.... so didn't give much during the stretching part, resulting in a feeling of being stiff for the kicks exercises.
Then the first exercise I couldn't give my all, I felt the burn and didn't do the maximum ROM I should have done.
After that I somewhat realised that if I didn't do anything, this would be wasting today's training. I still didn't do great but little by little I went in and actually gave it, not my all, but a lot. I was even surprised for the in&out + push up jacks I was able to do full ROM and fast 4 times in a row before being worn out.
I still find the ski hops hook the most ridiculous movement of the entire insanity program.
I still finished the workout sweating like crazy, with my legs burning (oh yes I actually did do the last exercise, squat speed bag something.... not a full squat but still enough for the legs to burn and when it was to hard I actually went down little by little instead of going up).
So mixed feeling as you can see, I feel that I didn't give enough at the beginning, but I'm pretty happy with the progress I've made for some exercises (maybe I did better because I didn't give much at the beginning).

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