jeudi 25 août 2011

Insanity D26

Best Pure cardio so far.
Did way better on the frog jumps and suicide jumps (the ones I have to stop because it's just after arms)
Regarding arms exercises I didn't do exceptionally good but certainly better than I used to (still need to get a few breaks but get quite a few reps and those exercises are in the last part of training so I'm already quite tired when doing them).
The only thing I changed is when I wanted to stop for a break say to myself :"Are you sure you want to stop? You're not allowed to stop until you can't really go further! Are you sure you can't continue?" Odly enough it worked quite well...
Even more odly I pushed myself harder than usual but I didn't feel exhausted at the end, my muscles were and still are burned up but I asn't totally unable to move as I was at the beginning.
Only bad point this morning was the warm up, maybe it's because I train to much but I find it hard do get the engine starting, I let me get a little more time before starting the warm up with some light move and I start the warm up really lighly. I still finish at full speed like it's supposed to be though. I actually think it's not that bad, but maybe it doesn't burn as much as it would.

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