jeudi 11 août 2011

Insanity D12

Cardio power & resistance.

It was one of those morning who you prefer to start it slow... So I wasn't in it till the third serie of warm up.
As I decided at the beginning of the week I focused on having the widest ROM, thus making a bit slower moves.
The good news the arm involving moves seemed in reach. I couldn't do everything without stopping but I guess it's possible (I mean for me who has a hard time with that).
I don't know if it's worth mentionning or if it make smy training void, but  I've been modifying the stretching part off the circuit... I'm used to stretch and all so I sometime replace moves by variation that I consider more efficient. (not doing splits yet cause I'm not as flexible as I used to, but I guess I'll come to it soon).
Tomorrow is the start of double training (pure cardio + cardio abs)... I think I will hate the cardio abs... it's semi-static again....

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