dimanche 18 septembre 2011

Insanity D47.5,D48-D50

It should be a long update but I'll keep it short
-D47 second half Insane abs, it's quite long but the exercises are more or less all the same kind: in a position where your abs are already contracted, do small moves... it burns of course but I'm not a big fan of this kind of exercises when it's only that. I have to consider if I want to continue the insane abs or change it for something else like P90x ab ripper (which is in my opinion more complete) Or even my own version.
-D48 I did for the first time Max interval sport training. Only thing I have to say : I had fun, the exercises are not that hard but it's a quite long training. I think I have to push myself for the jumps... Noticed that I wasn't able to jump to the maximum.
-D50 : today. well no comment to do, I didn't do it... yet. I woke up with a headache and I started the warm up as well as the stretching and then I stopped cause I was still not in a state of training.
I hope I''ll be good enough this evening, I'll do it then.

Other thing I think I'll cut my static training in different parts, cause I haven't been able to do the back levers + the L sits + straddle and I think that's not good. So on monday and friday I'll do the Handstand (approx 2 min total) and the front and back lever, If I feel fresh I'll also do the L-sit and straddle (or maybe should I go for a max time L-sit /straddle... yeah I'll think about it), and Wednesday I'll do the L-sit and straddle first and the rest if I feel fresh enough (or maybe just try a max rep).

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