dimanche 4 septembre 2011

Insanity D36 (no D34) & gym

Woooohooo Max Interval Circuit!!!
Yeah finally starting the serious part of Insanity!
I have to admit shamefully that saturday I didn't do D34. I was really bored. Maybe it was a bad thing and I should consider that I won't complete Insanity. But I don't care. The fun part begins! and I''m finishing this.
So what's different? what's new?
Well it's longer, about 20 minutes longer which is not small. How does it impact the training? One more serie of exercise (instead of 2 series we go up to 3).
What about the training itself?
The warm up is a little bit harder, with inclusion of exercises that were in the series like the switch kicks.
The exercises in the series are not "harder" by themselves but they include more different parts of the body in one rep.
What do I think of the overall difficulty level felt?
Gosh it's tiring. It''s not like going from almost no exercise to the first week of Insanity but it's quite hard. it is actually a lot harder, in the third serie I had to modify a little bit one or two moves cause I was too tired to do the jumps for the squat hooks, but I did squat... hard to explain easy to show...
I'm still a little bit pumped up by the training, but I think I'll have a big feeling of tireness at noon.
At least, that''s what I like in training... pushing the limits.

Saturday I actually did more dips than the "standard" I still did 3 reps per set. I tried to increase the ROM to the maximum of my current capacity (which is go down to a position where the shoulders are slightly above the hands) and do the move in a more controlled manner (go slowly and stop at both the top and bottom).
I did that quite randomly during the day (good being in week end) and actually didn't really count, but I can tell it had an impact, cause I felt my shoulders and chest muscles yesterday (more than usual).

I think this evening it will be very hard for me to do the gymnastic training... lets see.

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