mardi 9 août 2011

Insanity D10

Plyometric cardio circuit.
I think my VO2 max has increased quite impressivelly compared to the first time. I don't have the heavy breath of the first time. The arm strength is as always what pulls me down. I can''t go all out on cardio because I'm unable to finish the exercices when it involves to much arm.

Overall I feel less tired at the end of the training, I can (almost) go all out for the exercices that don't involve arms.

Tomorrow is Cardio recovery.... I think I hate it, it's somehow like yoga all those slow motion moves... never been good at that. When I did P90X's Yoga X it was the same.... I'm actually not used to this kind of burn sensation... If it is stretching or dynamic moves related muscle pain... I can stand it no problem...(except maybe the arms :p)

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