mercredi 12 octobre 2011

GYM 2.0 follow up

Didn''t do any HIIT training since monday. Planned to do one wednesday, but got hit in the foot so waiting for full recovery before doing anything violent involving feet moves.
I will resume Insanity second gear on monday so need to be sure I'm ready for that.
This painfull foot didn't'' however hinder my gym basic strength training (Maily upper body and core training at the moment).
Non static I did since last time : Pseudo planche ring push ups and Bulgarian ring rows.
Both are as expected a level higher and I'm far from the full ROM of those moves.
For pseudo-planche push ups (PPP) I go down all the way, but I can tell that my hands are not as close as the hips as it should be.
For the Bulgarian Rows I got a problem both  for the height of the move and the wideness between my hands.
As a reminder Bulgarian rows are sort of an inverted wide arm push ups except that wide arm push up sort of make the ROM a little smaller when you train on the floor (ROM is still pretty good with rings though).

I also did the second day of static training:
1) warm up didn't do any jumping moves to avoid straining my foot any more, and concentrated on arms... I think that's actually a better preparation. Also did quite a lot of leg stretching.
2) I worked on the Straddle instead of the L-sit (I will alternate cause the moves even though different for the arms have a good synergy regarding abs and legs.. I can tell because of the burn in the thighs).
So 3 * 20 seconds too, and quite the same, first one was ok second hard, third I was really fighting to keep my legs from touching the ground.
3) Bar Handstand 60seconds. Felt a lot easier but have to notice that because I was playing with balance as well I fell 2 times and even though I got back up as quick as possible, it certainly reduced the strain on the shoulders. Another note, I'm not sure my shoulder are completly opened... maybe a little lack of flexibility
4) Tucked Back Lever 3 * 20 seconds. That was the first surprise of the training. And this was a bad surprise. It was insanly hard compared to the first time I did it.
Possible reasons :
- because I found it not so hard the first time, I was not mentally giving it my all.
- because I found it not so hard the first time, I tried to concentrate on a better form, making it harder.
- Maybe the first time was only an illusion and I'm actually weak.
I hope the second reason is the real one... at least it means I'm going towards progress.
5) Tucked Front Lever 3*20 seconds. That was the second surprise of the training.
This one was kind of good. I didn't find it quite as hard as the first time...
Possible reasons :
- I was afraid of the move and did not do it as well... I don't think because I checked my position while doing it, but still possible.
- I was aware of the part of my body that were taxed more and concentrate better on those.
What is sure is I do was more carefull with my shoulders and tried to lock the position as much as possible.
And second part the grip is still a very hard part of the move and the one for which I lack the most for now.
6) the reverse pseudo planche 3 * 20 seconds. This one is ok, didn't fight but felt the burn. It works mainly one triceps and core I would say for me.

7) Abs... as planned I jumped from 2 minutes to 3 minutes. I do 4 different exercises 45 seconds per exercise with 5 seconds break. I alternate static/slowmo with dynamic exercise (otherwise I think I wouldn't be able to do it) and I can tell that my abs burn for every single exercises... It burns way more than all the other insane abs or ab ripper ... I guess that the exercises will have to evolve over time, but I like this formula.

Momentary conclusion : I really like this cycle 2.0, because total training per exercise is much shorter I can pack more different things into one session. For now I can't do L-sit /Straddle and Pseudo-planche/reverse pseudo planche in the same session. But it's more a question of lack of strength than lack of time. As the cycle will continue I will be able to do more in one session and reduce the break between exercises (the inter exercises breaks are maybe a little long.. I don't count, I just wait till my arms feel ready to go on).
I plan to continue this cycle longer than 8 weeks. Mainly because the jump in difficulty is quite big and also because I want to be able to do all the exercises in one session without taking loooong breaks in between.
If everything goes right at the end of this cycle I will also  "play" with planche and mana training. (I started those but I think my overall condition is not good enough).
Hopefully the next cycle will be 60 seconds reps for all exercises (another very big jump) plus a real start at practicing the planche and mana skill variations.... can't wait to be there, but I won't rush anything! the stronger the basics the better the potential progression.

Another comment... As next week I'll start over the second gear of Insanity, I think I will hit a wall in terms of fatigue... will certainly need to have more food and certainly some vitamins.

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