lundi 10 octobre 2011

Insanitised and Gym 2.0

Didn't update in... 2weeks
a lot can happen in that time. I finished the insanity program I actually skipped 4 training in total 2 of them were "''recovery trainings" and I was bored. the 2 last ones ... I just didnt hve time to complete.
So now moving on.... I had one week off (almost no exercise) and this week is a slow week : Starting again slowly for HIIT. I did plyo cardio yesterday morning, nothing this morning (I''ll explain why in a shortwhile)
Nest week I'm starting over again the last 4 weeks of Insanity (might skip again the recovery and/or replace them by a stretching type of recovery).
I''m doing it at the same time as a friend who started Insanity a little bit after me. We think it might help us keep the motivation.
What else is new? Starting a new cycle for gymnastic basic strength training.
That makes it cycle 2.0 (remember I did half a cycle when I didn''t have bars so after that did cycle 1.5 from start).
What's new in this cycle... Well no new moves for static strength training, just change of time training.
- Tucked Back-Lever change 10 * 6 seconds ==> 3 * 20 seconds
- Tucked Front-Lever change 10 * 6 seconds ==> 3 * 20 seconds
- L-sits change well I did 10 * 6 seconds in cycle 1.0 but didn''t really train during cycle 1.5 because of the lack of time but now is 3 * 20 seconds
- Pseudo planche same as L-sits now 3 * 20 seconds.
- Wall HS only started at half the cycle 1.5 now doing 60 seconds
- Straddle and reverse pseudo planche should be the same 3 * 20 seconds
- Bended Middle Split Hold ( for mana) and tucked planche (for planche) are only in the "Try" part of the training for now.
The total time for one exercise is the same.... but the time for one rep is a LOT higher.. first I planned on going up to 12 seconds.. but the last max time try I did on Back and front levers where around 40 seconds (front being a little less than back) and I did 3* 20 seconds for L-sit and straddle once before my off week.

Now what is it worth for real? I tried yesterday evening and that's the reason I decided not to do any HIIT this morning.
1) warm up 2 minutes jumps for cardio then 2 minutes shoulder warm up
2) L-Sits 3 * 20 seconds. 1st was okay, 2nd was difficult, 3rd I started dropping the legs before the end but was able to manage not getting on the floor
3) Wall HS (well bar actually, but same idea) the last half was hard and the last 10 seconds were really really hard.
4) TBLever It''s been a long time since I didn't' feel my biceps and chest muscle fighting with back lever training. The first rep is alright, but it gets hard from the second rep.
5) TFLever. This one is really hard and I had to fully tuck (I was almost in flat back tucked front lever at the end of cycle 1.5) I  hope it will get better over the 8 weeks of this cycle. The grapping the bar part was also incredibly hard this time, I think my foreamrs will have to improve a lot.
6) Pseudo planche... It's hard but not as hard as the front lever.
7) My 2 minutes abs plan. Burned as usual, but was better at doing it... should upgrade to 3 minutes.

Didn't' do the rest because my arms were already completly burned even though the total training session time was less, I actually did more than cycle 1.5 (I concentrated on levers and HS mainly, so I guess L-sit and pseudo planche is a bonus). I will try to do the rest of the exercises as my body adapts to this.

What about none static exercises?
- Pushups have to be upgraded from Rings bulgarian pushups to Rings pseudo planche pushups
- Rows from eleveted feet ring rows to bulgarian ring rows.
- HandStand pushups : Wall Headstand pushups, still need to train those will try to increase ROM over the cycle by adding books under the hands, for now have to make sure I can complete 3 * 3, I still have to do individual HesPushups to do the total of 9.
- Pull ups : from L-Chin ups to L-Pull ups
- Dips from normal dips to Russian dips.
- Inverted pulls... still need to work a lot on those as its a very hard one to get good ROM ( should try tucked or picked.

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