dimanche 14 août 2011

Insanity D13 & D15

I kind of feared D13 because it was first time pure cardio plus cardio abs.
Well the exercices in cardio abs are not that hard, but what is hard is the fact that you (well I) do it just after pure cardio. and that you stay in a contracted position most of the time. This is exactly what I hate.
I'm wondering if I should switch to some more "hardcore" abs series like the p90X one (it is more dynamic).
I would have more fun performing it...and I kind of need the "fun" to keep me motivated. The next "double session" is wednesday (shit it's not the usual repartition should have been on friday if I followed the normal order of the training), so I have some time to think it over.
I am also thinking about splitting the training in two (morning and evening) the problem is that except for week 8 (which is really week 9 when you count the rest week) all the "double session" are on a day of the week when I do my gymnastic body training... so I don't really have time to add this abs thing... Do I need to wake up earlier? gosh.. this morning was already kind of hard although I woke up early my mind was not really ready...
Talking about this morning D15 it was the second fit test. As expected (thanksfully) I had some progresses for every exercises. Some not much but some really nice. the best progress is certainly "globe jumps" from 7 to 11. One other note is I think I performed the moves with a better form and maybe a better ROM.
The one I'm a little bit disappointed in is suicide jumps, I was so out of breath that I had to take a rest and didn't perform as well as I would have if I was fresh (yeah normal you would say...)
So that's it for those past 3 days...
Just a small comment : Insanity is actually 63 days (I count rest days of course, all the coaches say rest is part of training).

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