mercredi 7 septembre 2011

Insanity D39

Yeah... already D39, I can hardly believe it...
Well first I'll be starting  with yesterday's gym training.
I didn't do much (it's still something like 45 minutes break included, but doesn't feel like a lot because didn't do a lot of different things).
I switched back from pseudo wall HS run to static handstand work. My shoulder were already so taxed from the insanity workout I couldn't move. I think that's actually a good thing because I noticed my form isn't quite right and steady (I'm not opening the shoulder enough anymore).
The levers are on a good way still. The form seems fine and the series feel like I still work but I don't fight as much to go through (looks perfectly in line with the gymnastic steady state training explanation). One note : since I asked help to see if my butt and shoulders are leveled, I think I have unconsciously swtiched from a tucked front lever to a flat bask tucked front lever... not exactly a bad thing but I wonder if it will affect the steady state thing.
I've also done a serie of static "front lever flag" well it's really not that, but can't find a nice name. it's just inclined straight body hold, the feet are up the hands help keep an angle between the shoulder and the ground by grabbing something (here the base of my PB) of course the smaller the angle the harder. I would say I'm around 60 degrees. Of course this is to help for front lever. I hope that by doing this I wil prepare my core well enough by the time I try to get to the full front lever (a few months from now, at slow pace like I'm doing now in about 10 month I should be doing the full front lever and full back lever...) I should think of something to work on my back for back lever...

Max recovery : To tell the truth, I really didn't want to do it at all, remember when I said I hated cardio recovery? Well I was expecting something similar, and somehow it is. But it was quite good as far as recovery goes. It's a little less taxing on the legs, but well I HATE this #@%*& arms part. Other than that it was quite good. Oh yeah, today I felt my left knee a little too much, I'm really going to be careful about that.
Tomorrow is hard again, but I still feel all my muscles... hope I'll have recovered enough.

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