dimanche 28 août 2011

Insanity D27 & D29

D27 was the last power & resistance. I did good. I was really tired afterwards so I consider it was good.

D29 Core cardio & Balance, something new at last! Well I don't really know, it's supposed to be a recovery week. So I started with recovery in mind. light exercises and everything. The truth is that this workout could be as hard as a pure cardio if pushing as much. I didn't push It's been two weeks I've been feeling smal strains on my anckles so I choose to do a real recvery week here. Not that I didn't sweat, I did. At the end of the workout I was sweating as much as for the others. It took just a little bit more time to get there. I will try to do more stretch this week.
After the first 4 weeks is there any visible result?
Yes and no... I'm not sure if it's entirelly due to Insanity. especially for the upper body gains. But one thing is sure, I'm a little bit leaner (the muscle lines are a little bit more visible). And I got bigger thighs. When I say bigger I really mean it : only my largest baggy jeans actually feels comfortable all the others are to small for my  legs. How can I be sure I didn't gain fat or something similar? I'm not 100% sure of course but still with the jeans test, my belt is at the smallest and the belt doesn't feel tight at all. For the upper body as I was saying I think it's more related to the gym training but I'm definitelly larger (t-shirt / shirts) same point here I only feel the tightness at the shoulder/chest/upper back section.

I've been looking at the second part of the Insanity program and I can tell this will be really hard. It'll be fun! Need to recover enough.  I may not update as much about Insanity this week as it is the same workout all week long. maybe just a few words.. I'll see.

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