dimanche 7 août 2011

Insanity D6 & D8

No D7.. it's rest day.
D6 : plyometric cardio. I made it in hte middle of the afternoon instead of morning... (week end and all having time is nice).
It's the last time I do that, I think I really need to do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach otherwise it gives some nausea, have to do breaks not because I can't go on but because I don't feel right.

D8 : power & resistance cardio. The question is shall I concentrate on speed or full range of motion. At my current level there are quite a few exercices for which I can't do both. I guess full range of motion would be better in term of power but then I don't get the benefit from interval training which is the reason why I started Insanity in the first place... Well tomorrow is pure cardio so I guess speed IS the most important for tomorrow.
Just need to make a choice for power & resistance.

Ok so from now on main focus :
-Plyometric cardio circuit : try to be on the floor as little as possible (rebound is the core of plyo training)
-Power & resistance : full range of motion.
-Pure cardio : speed up

There's still one exercice I didn't try for the first month : Cardio abs, first try saturday... I think it will burn cause I've been training for static or high speed not slow motion as in the video... and well you always stay contracted for the entire serie.

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